Getting Started as a Corporate Admin

Once you've submitted your Multi-Location account form, our team will begin setting up your account. After you have been notified that your account is ready to go, you can access the settings on your account.

Corporate Administrators have the highest level of permissions for Multi-Location accounts and can access all important functions. This guide gives a quick look at these capabilities like managing funds, and setting permissions, with more detailed information available through the provided links.

Corporate Admins also can set the corporate billing address for the overall organization and the Ship From addresses for each location. This allows for a centralized method of managing your organization's contact information and communication preferences.

Location Admins can function like a Corporate Admin for their specific location, meaning they can add users to their location, as well as manage those users’ permissions. Additionally, they can print postage on stamps, envelopes, and labels.

Get started setting up your Multi-Location account by following the links below:

Account Setup


Manage Funds & Payment Methods

Assign Locations

Regions and Regional Admins

If your organization includes managers at the regional level, you can add regions and assign regional admins. You can divide your organization into regions, with locations assigned to each region. Corporate Admins can set overall permissions globally (for everyone, a group of locations, or a single location) or for individual users.

These processes do not apply to organizations that do not have managers at the regional level.

Region admins have control over their region's locations and can invite additional users per location and set the permissions at that time. Permissions for printing, buying supplies, and setting cost codes are enabled per user at the location level.

To assign Regions to Multi-Location accounts:

  1. Select Region from the Corporate-wide Settings section, then click Add:

    Stamps Enterprise. Corp Admin settings. Box highlights Regions sidebar. Arrow to + Add button
  2. Give your Region a name and click Save:

    Add Region popup. Region Name field. Save button.

    You can edit the name or delete the Region at any time.

  3. Go to All Locations and check the boxes next to the locations you want to be included in the Region. Then, click Edit Locations and select Region.

    All Locations. Box on 2 Locations chosen. Arrow from Edit dropdown & box on Region option.
  4. Select the region from the drop-down and click Update Location:

    Bulk Update Locations popup. Arrow from dropdown to Region option. Box on Update Locations button

To assign a Regional Admin:

  1. Select All Users from the Corporate-Wide Settings section, then click Add:

    Box highlights All Users tab in sidebar. Arrow to + Add button
  2. Fill out the user's information and select Regional Admin as the Role:

    Add New User popup. Arrow from Role dropdown to Regional Admin option.
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