Stamps c210 Combo Device Not Working

When your c210 is not working, it is likely caused by one of the following three reasons.

  • You are not on the latest version of the software

  • There is a connection issue between the c210 and your computer

  • The c210 driver needs to be updated

Follow the steps in the sections below to get your c210 up and running again.

1. Install the Latest Software

When using the c210 with the PC software, be sure that you are running the latest version of the software. If you use Online, please skip these steps and continue with the next section.

  1. Open the software, go to the Help menu, and select About Check the version number of the software.

    Stamps PC: About popup. Box shows Stamps PC software Version
  2. Go to the download page. Compare the version number of your software to the latest version on the download page. If you are not on the latest version, we recommend that you download and install the latest version.

    The download page. A box highlights the download button.
  3. Launch the PC software and try using the c210.

Were you able to use the c210 in the software?

  • Yes! Great. You are all set.

  • No: Check the connection between your c210 and computer.

2. Check the Printer Connection to Your Computer

Follow these steps to ensure the c210 is successfully connected to your PC.

  1. Exit the software. Then, power off the c210.

  2. Unplug the USB cord from the c210 and also from your PC. Inspect the cord for signs of obvious damage or wear. Replace the cable if necessary.

  3. Plug the USB cable back into the c210 and your PC. Power on the c210.

    Sometimes, it helps to plug the c210 into a different USB port on your computer.

  4. Open the Windows Control Panel. Then, go to Devices and Printers.

  5. Search for the c210 Printer Scale icon in the list of available printers.

Did the c210 show up in Devices and Printers?

  • Yes! Great, launch the software and try to use the c210 to weigh a package or print.

  • No: OK, try reinstalling the print driver.

3. Reinstall the c210 Print Driver

You will need the CD-ROM that came with your c210 combo device.

  1. Open the Windows Control Panel. Then, go to Devices and Printers.

  2. Right-click on the icon for your printer and select Printer Properties.

  3. Select the Advanced tab.

  4. Click the New Driver button. Follow the steps to reinstall the printer driver for your printer.

Can you use the c210 in the software after reinstalling the driver?

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