PC Software Preferences

The Stamps.com PC software settings can be found in the Preferences section of the application. These preferences are where you can control printing settings, create contacts, manage your carriers, and more.

To access those settings, click the File menu in the top-left corner and select Preferences.

Stamps PC version. Arrow from File tab dropdown points to Preferences with Box highlight.

Changes Apply At Restart

Some changes to Preferences will not apply until Stamps.com PC Software is restarted.

Click through the following sections to discover the available settings for each tab in Preferences.



In the General tab, you can configure the following options:

General Options


Login Preferences

Prompt for login at start-up

When this option is enabled, you will be asked to log in every time you launch the Stamps.com software.

When this option is disabled, Stamps.com will launch in offline mode. In offline mode, the login window will appear if you perform an action that requires you to log in.

Logoff if the application is inactive for __ minutes

When this option is enabled, Stamps.com will automatically switch to offline mode if you are inactive for the specified time. In offline mode, the login window will appear if you perform an action that requires you to log in.

By default, you are disconnected when the software is idle for 59 minutes.

Post Date Preferences

Postdate mail to next collection day after __

When you print postage with today's mailing date after the specified time, Stamps.com will warn you and offer to automatically change the mailing date to tomorrow's date. If tomorrow's date is a USPS holiday, the next valid date will be used instead.

The default cutoff time is 5 p.m. (local time). If desired, you can specify a different cutoff time. If you change the cutoff time, ensure that you do not set it later than the last collection time of your local Post Office.

Account Balances

Notify when available postage drops below __

Stamps.com will notify you when your postage balance drops below the specified amount.

Print Preferences

Prompt for printer settings with each print

By default, you will be asked to confirm your printer every time you print. If you always print to the same printer and tray, you can save time by disabling this option.

Clear 'Cost Code' field after each print

By default, the last selected Cost Code is saved after you print. Enable this option to clear the selected Cost Code after every print.

Clear 'Memo' field after each shipping label print

By default, the text you enter in the Print Message field when printing shipping labels is saved after you print. Enable this option to clear this message after every print.

Use EPL for Eltron thermal printers (when supported)

When using Eltron Thermal printers, you can enable this option to use the EPL high-speed printing mode whenever possible.

Use ZPL for Zebra thermal printers (when supported)

When using Zebra Thermal printers, you can enable this option to use the ZPL high-speed printing mode whenever possible.

Rate Advisor

Display "Browse More Rates..." button in Carrier and Service drop-downs

When enabled, the option to compare rates across carriers and services will appear in the Carrier drop-down menu.

Display Rate Advisor shortcut button

When enabled, a button titled Rate Advisor will appear in the Package Details section.

Don't display any Rate Advisor buttons

When this box is checked, no Rate Advisor options will appear on Package Details.

Carrier Terms

I acknowledge and agree to the Statement of my added carriers

Check this box to acknowledge and agree to the terms of any carriers you have added to your Stamps.com account.

Return Labels

Customize the default message and instructions printed at the bottom of all Pay-on-Use return labels

Clicking Customize will allow you to write custom messaging that will appear on your Pay-On-Use Return labels.



In the Addresses tab, you can configure the following options:

Address Option


Domestic Address Matching System (AMS) level

This slider allows you to configure the alert level when matching addresses to the USPS database. There are three available settings:

  • High: No changes will be automatically applied. You will be alerted for all changes, including simple corrections (for example, "Place" instead of "Pl.", ZIP+4).

  • Medium: Simple corrections will be automatically applied. You will be alerted if the street address cannot be verified or if the city, state, and ZIP are not recognized.

  • Low: Simple corrections will be automatically applied, and you will not be alerted if the street address cannot be verified. You will only be alerted if the city, state, and zip are not recognized.

Automatically save manually entered delivery addresses

When enabled, Stamps.com will automatically save any manually entered address to Contacts once you print postage.

Automatically save manually entered delivery addresses to Contacts (Does not include Orders)

When checked, your manually added contacts will be saved to your Contacts list.



In the Email tab, you can configure the following options for Delivery Notifications and Shipment Notifications:

Email Option


Send me email when a shipment has been delivered

Stamps.com will automatically email you when a package with USPS Tracking or Signature Confirmation service has been delivered.

Clear 'Send Email' field and checkbox after ever print

By default, the last entered recipient email address is saved after you print. Enable this option to clear the email address after every print.

Carriers & Services


In the Carrier & Services tab, you can control which carriers and services are available for use in Stamps.com. Disabled mail classes will not be shown as options in the Packages, Orders, or International section.

When you import an order you can:

  • Apply a Preset to an order

  • Apply a Favorite to a shipment in the Packages or International section

If the order Preset or Favorite includes a disabled mail class, the action will still occur, but the mail class will be ignored unless you re-enable it in this tab.



In the ODBC tab, configure the following Shipper Toolbar options:

OBDC Options


Warn if Order ID changed but not loaded when printing

Stamps.com will warn you if you attempt to print postage after typing an Order ID into the Shipper Toolbar without also clicking Get Order.

Allow printing without Order ID

Enable this option to only allow printing after an Order ID has been entered into the Shipper Toolbar.

Warn when printing without an Order ID

Stamps.com will warn you if you attempt to print postage without an Order ID entered into the Shipper Toolbar.

Clear Order ID field after each print

By default, the last Order ID entered into the Shipper Toolbar is saved after you print. Enable this option to clear the Order ID after every print.



Use the XML tab to monitor for XML files that can be used to validate addresses and print postage.

To set up XML File Monitoring:

  1. Check the Monitor folder for XML file box.

  2. Find the folder where you will drop any XML files by clicking the Browse button next to the Folder field.

  3. Select the medium to which you would like postage printed using the Media field. This can also be set in the XML file itself. Then click OK.

If the file contains orders that need postage printed, the print will immediately commence. Any orders for which postage cannot be printed are ignored, and the next order is processed. An output file with tracking and cost information (or error status) is created in the same folder.

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