In the Online settings screen, Common Settings lets you configure options in your account, including Label Customization, Service Options, Carriers, and Ship From addresses. See the sections below for information on each setting available in your account Common Settings.
To access Common Settings, click the Mail Settings in the Mail tab or Settings in the Orders tab.
(Left) Mail tab; (Right) Orders tab
These settings set general account behaviors and preferences for notifications.
Setting |
Options |
General Settings |
Email Notifications |
Rate Advisor |
Select how you want Rate Advisor to display in
This is where you add, edit, or remove the addresses where your shipments originate.
Any Ship From addresses you've added will show in this list.
Click the +Add button to create a new Ship From Address.
The Carriers section includes all the carriers you can activate in your account.
Click +Add to see a list of available carriers to add.
See our Carriers Overview to learn more about the carriers available.
The Service Options section controls what appears in the Service drop-down when creating a label. Enable the services you use most frequently to reduce how much you have to scroll through the list.
You can choose to either show or hide services in the Services drop-down menu.
Subscription Plan Requirement
This feature is not available for all subscription plans. If you would like to use this feature but cannot access it as described here, you will need to upgrade your plan.
Visit our plan pricing page to see what features are available with our current plans. To upgrade your plan, go to the profile menu in your account and choose Mange Account > Subscription Plan.
In Label Customization, you can add a graphic or an image to your shipping labels and envelopes, allowing you to brand everything you mail and ship with your company name and logo.
To upload an image to your settings: