Store Not Updated with Shipment Details

There could be several reasons your store is not receiving shipment updates for your orders.

  • Your store may not support the capability.

    If you imported orders from PayPal, the tracking number and ship status on PayPal will not be updated. PayPal does not allow us to automatically post any shipping information back to your PayPal account.

  • The store or data source has temporarily prevented updates or is having a network issue.

    • Web Stores: If you use a web store like Amazon or eBay, check with them to ensure this is not a system-wide issue.

    • PHP Carts: If you are using an ecommerce shopping cart, make sure your online store is functioning correctly. If you have recently upgraded your shopping cart, make sure the plug-in you installed when you created that Profile is still installed and supports your version of the cart.

    • ODBC Databases: Make sure your database is available and the ODBC profile is still active. If you are not sure how to do this, contact the administrator who helped you set up your ODBC profile.

  • Connectivity issues or a temporary issue.

    The connection between your computer and your order source may have failed temporarily. If this happens, retry updating your orders back to your order source. See the Update Your Order Source section below for details.

  • The order no longer exists in your store or data source.

    It is possible the order cannot be updated because it no longer exists within the data source. This may occur if an order has been canceled or the order ID has been changed in the data source.

    In these cases, typically, only a few orders will fail to update while the majority will be successful. If this happens, manually locate and update the affected orders in the store or data source directly.

  • The order was manually marked as printed (PC Software only).

    By default, we do not update shipment information for orders manually marked as printed. If you'd like to change this setting, see the Update Orders Marked as Printed section below for details.

  • ODBC databases: Your postback data source has not been configured. See the ODBC Postback section below for details.

If you try the steps in this article or do not feel comfortable taking these steps on your own, please contact our support team so one of our Shipping Experts can assist you. We're here to help!

Update Your Order Source

When orders fail to update in your store, marketplace, or database, the printed orders will remain in the Printed tab in Orders. When you refresh Orders, our software updates tracking and other information back to your store, marketplace, or ODBC database.

It may take up to a few hours (depending on your order source) for this information to be displayed.  If an update is unsuccessful, you will get an error immediately.

Update Orders Marked as Printed

If you would like to change the default and use to update your account or database for orders that you manually mark as printed:

  1. Go to Orders.

  2. Select Edit Source from the Manage Data Sources drop-down menu.

  3. Select a profile and click Edit.

  4. Check the Postback box.

  5. Click Done.

Orders will now postback shipment details for orders manually marked as printed.

Not all webstores support postback!

Some webstores may not support postback functionality. Posting shipping information may overwrite information already entered on your webstore and may change the ship date. In some cases, the ship date cannot be changed once it has been posted. On certain ecommerce platforms, such as Amazon, this can result in inaccurate seller metrics.

Only update orders that are manually marked as printed if you have not already updated your account or database with shipping information.

ODBC Postback

If you are using an ODBC connection, set up a postback data source in your profile so information can be updated in your database.

To set up a postback mapping for your ODBC profile:

  1. Go to Orders.

  2. Select Edit Source from the Manage Data Sources drop-down menu.

  3. Select your ODBC profile and click Edit.

  4. Check the Data Postback box.

  5. Click (not configured) next to ODBC Data. This will guide you through the postback data source setup process.

The postback database can be the same as your origin database, or it can be a completely different database. Configuring it is very similar to setting up your ODBC profile.

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