Automation Rule Criteria & Actions Reference

This reference guide lists the criteria and actions available for Automation Rules in Whether you are an automation expert or just beginning to explore the possibilities, this guide will support you in making your processes more agile and adaptable.

It is helpful to know which actions you want to apply to your orders first. Then, check out the available criteria to determine which orders qualify for the action.

The following lists include descriptions for each criterion and action to help you understand each option fully.

Available Criteria



Item SKU

The SKU of the order item.


Automation Rules using Item SKU as criteria will not apply to orders that have more than one line item in the order.

Total Quantity

Total number of items in order

Order Tags

Tags that have been added to the order

Total Weight

Total order weight


Ship To country


The marketplace the order is imported from

Requested Service (Marketplace Value)

The carrier/service/package that the customer selected for the order during checkout

Total Order

The cost of the order, including shipping fees and taxes

Available Actions



Set Service...

Assigns a Carrier/Service/Package to the matched order

Set the Total Order Weight...

Defines the total weight of the order

Set Package Dimensions...

Sets the length, width, and height of your order


Assigns a specific confirmation type to the order

Add an Internal Note

Adds notes to the Internal field in the order

Hold the Order for...

Places matched order on hold for a specific number of days

Hold Until...

Places match orders on hold until a specific date

Stop Processing Rules for the Order

Stops any automation rules that follow this rule from running on that order

Advanced Criteria with ShipStation Enabled

You get these additional criteria with ShipStation enabled.

Advanced Criteria


# of Line items

The number of unique line items in the order - not to be confused with Total Quantity.

Address Line 1

The first line of the address.

Address Line 2

The second line of the address.

Address Verified

The address verification system processed the address and returned a VerifiedWarning, or Error status.

Assigned User

The specific user assigned to this order.

Buyer ID

Customer identifier imported from the marketplace - typically the username or email address.

Buyer Name

The name of the customer


Carrier and/or Postage Provider


Ship To city

Custom Field 1

Refers to the Custom Fields within an order. Data can equal, contain, start with, end with, or be blank

Custom Field 2

Custom Field 3

Gift Order

Is the This is a gift option checked in the order?

Internal Notes

Data can equal, contain, start with, end with, or be blank

Item Name

The name of the order item.


Automation Rules using Item Name as criteria will not apply to orders that have more than one line item in the order.

Notes from Customer

Refers to the Notes fields within an order. Data can equal, contain, start with, end with, or be blank

Notes to the Buyer

Order #

The Order Number as displayed in

Order Date

The date the order was placed


The package type selected for the order

Paid Date

The date the payment was made

Payment Method

How was this order paid for? Credit card, C.O.D., etc

Postal Code

Ship To postal code

Product Total

The cost of the order prior to calculating customer’s shipping charge and taxes

Recipient Company

Ship To company name

Recipient Name

Ship To recipient name

Requested Service (Mapped)

The carrier/service/package the requested service has been mapped to in


Address has been verified as residential or commercial

Ship By Date

The already-defined Ship By Date from the marketplace

Ship From Location

The defined Ship From location

Shipping Paid

The shipping cost paid by the customer


The original source of the order when importing orders from a Shopping Cart, Inventory Solution, etc.


Ship To state


The store the order imported from

Tax Paid

The tax amount paid by the customer

Total Paid

The tax amount paid by the customer


USPS Zone based on Ship From and Recipient postal codes

Warehouse Location

The Warehouse Location outlined in the product defaults for the order item.


Automation Rules using Warehouse Location as criteria will not apply to orders that have more than one line item in the order.

Advanced Actions with ShipStation Enabled

You get these additional actions with ShipStation enabled.

Advanced Actions


Add a Tag

Adds a tag to the order

Add Note to the Buyer

Adds text to the Notes to Buyer field in the order.

Adjust the Order Weight

Adds a specific amount to the order weight based on what you select in the rule setup.

Assign to a user

Assigns the order to a designated user in the account.

Bill Int'l Duties to Payor of Shipping Charges

Marks the duties of the order to be billed to the shipper instead of the recipient (check with your carrier to find out how they will bill those charges).

Charge Shipping to 3rd Party

Designates a third-party account as the payor of shipping charges (this option requires the shipping service to have already been applied to the order).

Charge Shipping to My Account

Designates your pre-selected shipping account as the payor of the shipping charges.

Collect Payment on Delivery (C.O.D.)

Applies the Cash On Delivery (C.O.D.) option to the order (not supported by all carriers).

Create an Alert

Creates an order alert with customized information.

Do Not Notify Marketplace of Shipment

Prevents from sending the Marketplace Notification.

Do Not Prepay Postage (Endicia Only)

Automatically selects Do Not Prepay Postage from Other Shipping Options for the matched order.

Don't Import the Order

Removes the order from and prevents future imports of the same order from that selling channel connection.

Enable Saturday Delivery (UPS/FedEx)

Automatically selects Saturday Delivery from Other Shipping Options for the matched order.

Enable Shipper Release (UPS Only)

Automatically selects Driver may release package without signature in Other Shipping Options for the matched order.

Include a Return Label with the Outbound Label

Generates a return label when the outbound label is created.

Insure the Package

Automatically assigns a specific insurance provider to the matched order.

Mark Shipment(s) as "Non-Machinable"

Automatically marks the matched order as Non-Machinable (typically results in a surcharge).

Send an email

Sends an email to designated email addresses when the rule runs.

Set Custom Field 1

Adds a note to Custom Field 1.

Set Custom Field 2

Adds a note to Custom Field 2.

Set Custom Field 3

Adds a note to Custom Field 3.

Set Customs Content Type

Assigns the content type of your order’s customs declarations.

Set Declaration Statement (FedEx Only)

Sets declaration statement that will be used on customs documents for FedEx international shipment.

Set Fulfillment Provider

Selects the Fulfillment Provider and offers the option to send the order to that provider automatically.

Set International Non-Delivery

Selects the action that should be taken when an international shipment cannot be delivered.

Set Ship By Date

Sets the Ship By Date in your Order.

Set Ship From Location

Sets the Ship From Location in your order.

Set the Dry Ice Weight (UPS/FedEx)

Sets the Dry Ice Weight in the order. Does not alter the order's weight.

Set the Order as Containing Alcohol (FedEx)

Automatically selects This order includes alcohol in Other Shipping Options for the matched order.

Set the Order as Containing Dry Ice (UPS/FedEx)

Selects that the order includes dry ice, but does not set the weight.

Show Postage Paid on the Label

Displays the price of the postage on the label for the matched order.

Use a Specific Packing Slip

Assigns a selected packing slip to the matched order.

Use email template for Delivery Notification

Assigns a selected email delivery template to the matched order.

Use email template for Shipping Notification

Assigns a selected email shipment confirmation template to the matched order.

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