Use Order Shipping Presets

Use an Order Shipping Preset to quickly configure a shipment with commonly used settings. Presets are a great time saver when you frequently ship orders with the same carrier, service, package type, weight, and other attributes. Presets will apply all settings to a shipment, or multiple shipments, with a single click.

A preset can include any of the following:

  • Ship from address

  • Weight

  • Domestic Carrier and Service

  • International Carrier and Service

  • Insurance provider

  • Insure Amount

  • Tracking confirmation

  • Dimensions

Presets are very similar to Favorites, which perform the same function in the MAIL tab (online) or the Packages tab (PC software).

Subscription Plan Requirement

This feature is not available for all subscription plans. If you would like to use this feature but cannot access it as described here, you will need to upgrade your plan.

Visit our plan pricing page to see what features are available with our current plans. To upgrade your plan, go to the profile menu in your account and choose Manage Account > Subscription Plan.

Create a Preset

To create a preset:

Apply a Preset

To apply a preset:

Edit a Preset

To edit a preset:

Keyboard Shortcuts & Barcode Scanners

When using the PC software, you can use Keyboard Shortcuts and Barcode Scanners to apply presets quickly without extra clicks. When used with the setting to Print when Preset Applied, you can print labels for your orders with the keyboard shortcut or a barcode scan.

PC Software Version Only

The Keyboard Shortcuts and Barcode Scanners options are not available for the online version os Stamps.

To create a keyboard shortcut:

  1. Add or edit a preset.

  2. Choose a key from the Keyboard Shortcut drop-down menu.

    Edit Preset popup. A box shows the dropdown menu for Keyboard Shortcuts.
  3. Click Save

Select orders, then press the assigned key to apply the Preset.

To use a barcode scanner:

Barcode Scanner Plan Availability

Barcode scanning requires a subscription to the E-commerce (new) or Professional Shipper (legacy) plan.

  1. Add or edit a preset.

  2. Enter the Barcode ID that your scanner will read.

An arrow shows the barcode ID field

Now, you can apply your preset as fast as you can scan a barcode.

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